On Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Awareness



SKU: ISBN-978-1-912185-04-07 Categories: ,


NEW – a collaboration from a distinguished group of authors.

How do you teach mathematics so your students will learn? This book has prompts and reflections on how mathematics teaching can occasion awareness on the part of the student and what awarenesses are needed as a teacher in order to do this.

It is organised into 4 sections; a diary section giving an insight to discussion within the working group, a section of tasks that the group worked on, a section of individual group members writings, and finally reflections on the writings of Gattegno. The book contains 100 plus pages and is full of classroom ready tasks and insights related to a range of images and visions for how mathematics lessons can be spaces where creative and independent work takes place.

Written by a distinguished group of Mathematics Educators, including Ian Benson, Alistair Bissell, Danny Brown, Laurinda Brown, Alf Coles, Lindsey Francome, Tom Francome, Pete Griffin, Anne Haworth, Dave Hewitt, Jenni Ingram, John Mason, Piers Messum, Luke Richards and Charlotte Webb.

ISBN 978-1-912185-04-07 PP110

Additional information

Weight 0.59 kg