Caleb Gattegno’s approach to maths focuses on the process for generating mathematics in the mind. While many believe that maths is the skill of a few gifted people, he believed that every student is capable of functioning like a mathematician. By taking abstract concepts and representing them in visible and tangible ways, he found that students can gain mathematical competence well beyond their designated grade levels.
A course of study for First Year Infants.
The study of Numbers up to 20.
* Sessions of free play.
* Qualitative work with the Rods.
* Literal work.
* Number work; Measure;
Study of numbers up to 10.
* Applications.
* Study of numbers up to 20.
Author: Caleb Gattegno First Edition Reprint (102 Pages)
ISBN 978-0-87825-011-0
Copyright © 1970–2011 Educational Solutions Worldwide Inc.